Friday, 22 February 2008

Commission, commission, commission!....errr, not that much yet actually

A week of taking calls as part of the new job, booking the cosmetic surgery consultations, was full of promise. The dollar signs were in my eyes as I added up how many millions of bucks I would be making from a billions of sales- I have the silky English accent, how could it go wrong?

Well, it turns out you still need to be good at sales to make sales, you can't just rely on regurgitating the script and wait for the money to roll in. By Wednesday I had picked up on some better sales patter, mainly by copying Ashley 'Sales Machine' Ma on the computer next to me! So I got some credit scores under my belt ($5), some post dates (potentially $15 each) and then got that elusive 'Full Down' booking today ($20, with all the money down TODAY)!

So there will hopefully be a semi-sizable cheque coming my way when the commissions are paid out. This will be needed to cover my expenses next weekend when we celebrate Allie's birthday, and my leaving!

There is a Winter festival this weekend and next in the Old Port, which will be good, honest, cheap fun! Up until then, the weekly highlights have been few and far between. Lots of book reading, giving poor advice, and fumbled attempts at sales. Although I did find someone (Tonii) who has the same birthday as me!!!!! I'll tell you the full excited story over dinner sometime.....(naaat).

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