Saturday, 5 April 2008

Friendly faces

I receive emails from Tim, about twice a month, recalling his hilarious and ridiculous adventures in South America and now Australasia.

In these emails, I hear about how he meets one person through a schoolfriend, does another ridiculous activity with another acquaintance, and then stays in millionaire mansions with friends of a friend.

Well it was about time I got away from the beaten track of tourism, and experienced some random, enjoyable, and promising events, thanks to someone I knew (of) at school.

So I met up with Jackie last night, and enjoyed her lasagne, Libby's (pickled) salad and also her delicious fruitloaf for dessert. It was a fun dinner party, inhabited by two Brits, two Canucks and two South Africans. So it was a healthy, cosmopolitan mix, and a really fun night.

I made some friends who I hope I can get to know better over this summer. I heard promises of softball teams, music festivals and basically just fun times ahead!

We headed to a club over the water from downtown, which was a welcome alternative to the endless queues and overpricing of the main city nightlife. It was also very homely and a relaxed place, and I had to bring out my dance moves! Hope I didn't terrify anyone away!

Cheers to good times ahead!

PS. I have also been working very hard! My new job as a maintenance man means ripping up carpets, varnished and sanding floorboards, and painting ceilings. This new found vocation explains the minimal entry I have made here, because I am absolutely nackered!

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