Wednesday 9 April 2008

Billy Nomads

Even though I have been seldom exploring, travelling and discovering recently, it is not to say that I haven't been busy.

It's been all jobs, places, contacts, money, sleep, running, enrolling, researching, planning, saving, eating, walking, writing, resume-creating, telephoning, inspecting, grovelling, enlightening and frustrating.

Travelling, in general, has been the length of Granville Street to the SWAP offices, to search for homes and jobs, to telephone prospective companies and to ask advice on everything from where I should live to what I should eat for dinner.

As I extend my house searching from online to metro and bus-line, I have seen more of Vancouver, gradually creating a picture of what is where and why and how in this soggy, horizontal city. Only two apartments have I seen in reality so far, and they are as varied as I think 100 apartments would achieve.

One is in a Chinese neighbourhood, with most signs written in Han (Chinese) characters. I would be living with three Chinese computer programmers, who barely speak a word of English, but keep an impeccable household, and cook amazing meals.

The other is closer to town (not 25 minutes on the Sky Train), and in a predominantly white-Canadian area. The flatmates would be someone 'involved in the movies', and another who spends five days a week on a luxury train passing through the Rockies, serving wine and steaks to wealthy tourists.

They're similar in price, similar in size, yet the difference between Zone 2 (Chinese house) and Zone 1 (Canadian) on the transit system means over $50 on monthly bus/ Sky Train passes. I think my mind is made up. Just watch this space to see if I get my deposit in on time...

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