Wednesday 2 April 2008

Vanny Update

Before I came over to Vancouver I was mainly worried about three things:

1. Would I be able to get a job before I ran out of money
2. Would I be able to make my money last until I managed to get a job
3. Would I be able to get a job?

Well, today I expelled all of those demons, with the beginnings of a promising career in being everybody's bitch (busser) at a delectable restaurant in the heart of Vancouver's beautiful Stanley Park.

It was an honest start to the working life over here. I would be making minimum wage, rely on meagre tips (the dregs of the tips that the main servers attain), and be able to live on for a few more months.

As if this fantastic and lucrative vocation wasn't enough, I was delighted to receive a voicemail on my phone informing me that I had actually managed to land myself another job! This one was maintenance work (i.e. painting, sanding, repairing) at the Samesun Hostel, where I had been staying all week. A couple of trial days on Friday and Saturday means I won't be paying for next week's stay at the hostel, which also buys me some more time to find better jobs. Ideally, bartending or as a server (waitress) in a restaurant downtown. People here live off their tips, which would mean saving money for travelling, soaking up sun, and capturing a ridiculous amount of scenic and enviable photographs.

But for now, I have these crap jobs. As Kate would say (in her mother-tongue): "Better than nowt, petal."

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